Before and after tummy tuck surgery in Beverly Hills


Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is a transformative procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen while tightening the underlying muscles, resulting in a toned and flat stomach. At MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, Dr. Michael K. Obeng specializes in tummy tuck surgery, offering exceptional results and personalized care. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the process of tummy tuck surgery, its benefits, recovery time, and the cost involved. Discover how Dr. Obeng can help you achieve a more sculpted abdomen through tummy tuck surgery.



You are a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you have one of the following

Diastasis Recti: This happens when your abdominal muscles separate as a result of excess pressure. This condition is usually caused by pregnancy or frequent heavy lifting. Since tummy tuck involves tightening of abdominal walls, getting a tummy tuck can help you with this condition.

Pannus of the abdomen: This is a condition where excess abdominal tissue covers your private part. This can be the aftermath of pregnancy or a major weight loss.

Your reason for getting a tummy tuck is not restricted to the aforementioned. If you’re uncomfortable with the size of your abdomen need it gone, or you need your abdominal muscles tightened. Book a consult or call the office. Dr. Obeng will see you and discuss the best procedure for you.

During a tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Michael K. Obeng makes an incision in the lower abdomen, strategically placed to be easily concealed beneath clothing and swimwear. Through this incision, he tightens the abdominal muscles, removes excess skin and fat, and repositions the belly button for a natural appearance. The remaining skin is carefully re-draped, resulting in a smoother and more contoured abdomen. Tummy tuck surgery is performed under anesthesia to ensure patient comfort throughout the procedure.

Benefits of Abdominoplasty

Tummy tuck surgery offers numerous significant benefits, including:

  1. Flatter and Toned Abdomen: Tummy tuck surgery can help eliminate stubborn belly fat, excess skin, and stretch marks, resulting in a flatter and more sculpted abdominal area.
  2. Improved Abdominal Muscle Tone: Pregnancy or significant weight loss can cause the abdominal muscles to become weakened or separated. Tummy tuck surgery tightens these muscles, providing a firmer and more defined core.
  3. Enhanced Body Confidence: By achieving a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing abdominal contour, tummy tuck surgery can significantly boost self-confidence and body image.


  • Traditional Tummy Tuck: Incision is usually made from hip to hip and on the navel. This procedure is commonly combined with abdominal liposuction.
  • Mini or partial abdominoplasties: require only a single small incision. Partial abdominoplasties result in less dramatic changes to the appearance of the abdomen. Also, this procedure offers a shorter recovery time than most tummy tuck procedures.
  • Endoscopic: This tummy tuck technique is employed for patients who suffer from rectus diastasis (a disorder that involves the separation of the abdominal muscles at the midline of the belly). During an endoscopic tummy tuck, a plastic surgeon inserts a tiny camera attached to a slender tube (endoscope) into the site of the incision.
  • Extended: This technique involves the removal of love handles on either side of the waist as well as the removal of fat and excess skin from the stomach area.
  • Circumferential: This involves the removal of excess skin from the thigh, buttocks, and hips, as well as the central abdominal area. This procedure is for individuals who endured gastric bypass surgery.


Recovery time following tummy tuck surgery varies depending on the extent of the procedure and individual healing factors. Dr. Obeng and his experienced team will provide comprehensive post-operative care instructions, including guidelines for dressings, pain management, and follow-up appointments. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are common during the initial healing period but gradually subside over time. Most patients can return to work and resume light activities within two to three weeks, with full recovery achieved in several months.

Cost of Tummy Tuck Surgery in Beverly Hills:

The cost of tummy tuck surgery in Beverly Hills depends on various factors, including the complexity of the procedure, the extent of correction needed, and individual patient needs. During a personal consultation, Dr. Michael K. Obeng will assess your specific goals and provide a detailed cost estimate. MiKO Plastic Surgery strives to offer competitive and transparent pricing options for tummy tuck surgery, ensuring exceptional value and patient satisfaction.

diastasis recti repair surgery in Beverly Hills
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