Transfeminine Bottom Surgery in Beverly Hills


Transfeminine bottom surgery is a transformative procedure designed to help individuals assigned male at birth achieve a more feminine lower body contour. At MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, Dr. Michael K. Obeng specializes in transfeminine bottom surgery, providing exceptional results and personalized care. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the process of transfeminine bottom surgery, its benefits, recovery time, and the cost involved. Discover how Dr. Obeng can help you on your journey to align your physical appearance with your gender identity.

How We Perform Transfeminine Bottom Surgery:

Transfeminine bottom surgery involves a combination of surgical techniques to create a more feminine lower body contour. The specific procedures may include vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, clitoroplasty, and other techniques tailored to individual patient needs. Dr. Michael K. Obeng works closely with each patient to understand their goals and develop a personalized treatment plan, ensuring optimal results that align with their desired feminine aesthetics.

Benefits of Transfeminine Bottom Surgery:

Transfeminine bottom surgery offers numerous significant benefits, including:

  1. Enhanced Gender Affirmation: The procedure plays a crucial role in gender affirmation, helping individuals align their physical appearance with their gender identity, leading to improved self-confidence and overall well-being.
  2. Feminine Lower Body Contour: Transfeminine bottom surgery helps create a more feminine lower body appearance, including the creation of a neovagina, reshaping of the labia, and clitoral reconstruction, resulting in a more aligned physique.
  3. Improved Quality of Life: The procedure enables individuals to experience increased comfort and satisfaction with their bodies, fostering a sense of authenticity and enabling a more fulfilling life.

Recovery Time:

Recovery time following transfeminine bottom surgery varies depending on the specific procedures performed and individual healing factors. Dr. Obeng and his experienced team will provide comprehensive post-operative care instructions, including guidelines for wound care, pain management, and follow-up appointments. Swelling, discomfort, and temporary restrictions on physical activity are common during the initial healing period. Full recovery and the resumption of regular activities typically occur within several months.

Cost of Transfeminine Bottom Surgery in Beverly Hills:

The cost of transfeminine bottom surgery in Beverly Hills depends on various factors, including the specific procedures performed, the complexity of the surgery, and individual patient needs. During a personal consultation, Dr. Michael K. Obeng will evaluate your goals and provide a detailed cost estimate. MiKO Plastic Surgery is committed to providing competitive and transparent pricing options for transfeminine bottom surgery, ensuring exceptional value and patient satisfaction.

Dr. Michael K. Obeng at MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills is a trusted and renowned expert in transfeminine bottom surgery. With his exceptional skills, extensive experience, and dedication to patient care, Dr. Obeng delivers outstanding results that align with each patient's unique goals. Whether you are seeking vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, or clitoral reconstruction, Dr. Obeng's expertise will help you achieve the natural-looking and beautiful results you desire. Schedule a consultation today to begin your transfeminine bottom surgery journey with Dr. Obeng at MiKO Plastic Surgery.

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